There comes a time in every man's life when EVERYTHING hurts and he realizes why his Dad was one grumpy son of a bitch!
Today' Training;
AirDyne: 22 minutes
To be done DAILY!!!
2 sets of 15 reps followed by 1 more set of 10 of the following exercises *
Reverse Hyper
Back Extension
Side Flexion
Suspended Knees to Elbow
DB Lateral Raise
Push Ups
Cable Flys
* ONE set of Rear Delt Destroyers modified:
Main Lift:
6 rep high pin pull. Work up to a PRE of 7
Once the weight has been established do two more sets of 6 at that weight.
Single Leg/Single Arm Reach: 5x5
Bike Commute: 30 minutes...I found a fun new way home.