Here it is folks...FEB. 1st. Now we get to see the next set of New Year; New Me people who will lie to themselves.
I've heard and witnessed the following:
I'm too tired
I have an early appointment
My kid kept me up all night
I'm too sore
I had houseguests
We were on vacation
and those were the most common. I save the doozies for a later log.
So what I heard from all of this was, "Nothing has changed for me. I'm perfectly fine with justifying my fat ass self with no regard to my nutritional game plan. I'm also too lazy to do any sort of conditioning because after all I'm a heavy weight and mass moves mass.
Sure, you go ahead and keep leaning on that pitiful excuse and you'll be on your way to E.R. with a seized up heart.
You can still move a LOT of weight without being a jiggly fat ass.
Does it seem like I'm fat shaming? OK, so be it. It doesn't have to be that way.
You have eleven months to prove me wrong, OR you are one BIG scare from getting yourself into gear.
Now get into shape, and round doesn't count.
Today's Team Training: