Countless times I have referred to what I do in my program is Strength AND Conditioning. Without a doubt, the stuff people need to do vs. what they want to do are usually world distances apart.
Few people like the "AND Conditioning" and will make excuses to by pass it, OR they will gladly substitute it for something else.
I have taken car keys away from folks so they couldn't "get away".
I've "chirp'd" publicly to embarrass them to do it and still find a de-conditioned element.
NOT TODAY! I didn't allow anyone an out so to say! If they asked for a substitute exercise, I referred them to Rule #67 and then told them..."There is NO substitute" All complaints were met with my patented look and a "So?"
Italic is what I did (and three amigos from my crew), the rest is what everyone did.
Today's Training:
Run: 4 miles
Squat: 225x15; 250x15
Dead Lift: 225x15; 250x15
GHR: 3x10x25 lb vest
Run: 13 minutes
AirDyne: 5 minutes steady state
Concept II Row: 5 minutes steady state
Sprints: 10x40 yards @ 75% effort
Bike Commute: 21:18