By now, most of the you that follow my writings know that I like to keep things simple and to a minimum.
I also enjoy a balanced (not in the middle...but BALANCED) lifestyle and try to remain as stressless as I can.
Without going into too much detail, so I won't breech my Rule #67, I had a conversation months ago that resulted in a pretty heated exchange. For ethical reasons I felt strongly about the subject.
The exchange was hot because the other side of the conversation was adamant about doing it an entirely different way disregarding how I felt about the issue AND the ethics of doing so.
When it surfaced again YESTERDAY, I thought it had been laid to rest. Only did I find out that the opposite way I had planned was not only replanned but implemented!
I was livid!
When I expressed my dislike for the arrangement, I was handed a bunch of REASONS why I shouldn't be upset.
For me...I don't give a FUCK about any reasons. The idea I had was tossed aside and the 180 degree turn about IS implemented regardless.
I have no reason, or input to the actual outcome, then don't include me when planning or ask about my thoughts on the issues.
There is nothing I can do about it other than be angry!
Why be angry? It doesn't matter. Be happy? NO! It doesn't matter.
Here lays a case for the file that is under the heading of "Fuck it".
The largest mammal on the planet, a whale, can swallow a baseball with no issue. Yet, he/she would CHOKE on a softball. Why? Because that's just the way it is! Fuck it!
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 12x3@50%
Push Ups:
Men: 140 reps in as few sets as possible
Women: 85 reps in as few sets as possible
Shoulder Press:
Men: 5x10@105
Women: 5x10@55
Pull Ups: 60 reps for me 24 reps for everyone else
DB Lateral Raise: 3x30
Shrugs: 4x10@495
For my hips and low back treatment:
Suspended Knee Ups: 3x12
45 degree Back Ext.: 3x10
Reverse Hyper: 3x10@20 pounds done slow with a three count contraction at the end of each rep.
Bike Commute Home: 22 minutes INTO the wind.