Going through a tough time? Yep, just like everyone else. "This to shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone or a 20-pound baby, but it will pass"
Today's Training;
AirDyne: 31 mins
AirDyne II: 5 mins steady
10x10/50 HIIT
Concept II Row;
5 mins steady
10x10/50 HIIT
C/S Row: 40 reps in as few sets as possible w/ 135 lbs
Lat Pull Down: 40 reps in as few sets as possible w/140 lbs
BB curl: 40 reps in as few sets as possible w/75 lbs
DB Curl: 40 reps in as few sets as possible w/25 lbs
Bike Commute: 28 mins. (cold)
AirDyne III: 30 mins
Meridian Exercises
Are all three of your airdyne sessions steady state?