All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
Throughout all my years in competitive Powerlifting, I’ve trained alongside police officers, teachers, coaches, students, drug dealers, doctors, lawyers, construction workers, factory line workers, truck drivers, business owners, prison guards, ex felons, bouncers, trainers, nurses, exotic dancers, roofers, warehouse managers, and so on. Many had egos while others were humble. Many introverts while others were extroverts. Some were super nice while others were assholes.
Many moved on with other chapters of their lives, some got injured, disabled or terminally ill. Others died... overdose, murder, suicide, heart attack, accidents, and cancer. There are also those still hitting the weights as hard as ever.
We all share the same objective, searching for strength. This objective was (is) an obsession, passion, addiction, and source of pride, growth, adversity, and success.
In life, there are some things so strong they pull us together in search of becoming stronger. Becoming more, becoming better. Training is one of those things.
In the gym, training with shared intent and purpose can diminish our differences while exposing and expanding the qualities we share.
While there are always wild and dumb things that happen in the gym, some of the most important things are overlooked.