I surely hope that when you read my Coaching Log that you aren't disappointed with times that I don't address only Strength and Conditioning.
I also wish that you pick up some of my wild far fetched ideas that can become useful to YOU.
I am certainly glad that The Tates allow my ramblings and have never put a governor on my writings.
I like to be as transparent as possible without boring anyone. So I write...
During today's sessions, I was asked about some of the things I have taught my son, who is heading out to Prep School in a few weeks. Knowing that he is "leaving the nest" four years earlier than what we had planned, I know he'll be fine.
One of the big things we have always done is to have DINNER as a FAMILY. We actually sit down every night, showered and dressed to represent. Plus, I think it shows respect for the other people at the table even if there is no guest at it.
We give thanks and then have OPEN CONVERSATION at dinner.
Have we ever run out of things to say to each other?
There are THREE questions that need to be answered at the dinner table nightly.
- What made you laugh today?
- Name one person that you helped and what did you do?
- What new thing did you learn today?
Those three questions lead to wonderful conversations even on the most talkless evenings.
Finally, if a person doesn't meet the requirements, they MUST do so before going to bed that night!
Just the way we work at Casa de Selkow.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Foam Roll/ Lacrosse ball roll: 10 mina
Bike Commute: 30 mins
Pause Box Squat: 4 RM to a PRE of 7 and when I mean pause...I mean sit your ass down staying tight for a FOUR count. That way the stretch reflex is GONE and what is left is what keeps you from getting smashed totally.
Reverse Hyper: 4x10
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Bike Commute: 32 mins
Run: 5K GAWD this was awful (ly GREAT)