I'm sitting here thinking...in just TWO years, 1990 will be 30 years ago.  Think about that.  Thirty freaking years just BOOM, are gone.  Here I am saying ...NOooooo..can't be.  Thirty years ago was 1970.  But no!

We've strung too many "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...BLINK, Monday"s together.


Today's Training:

Pause Squat:

Work up SLOWLY to a 6 rep HEAVY..not a max

Stance should be feet under your lungs at the MOST

No box

Squat until your hamstrings rest on your gastrocs

Three count while in the hole to lose the stretch reflex

Power on up out of the hole.



Rep Squat w/ a box set at 1 inch ABOVE parallel

3x10 with 5 more lbs than last weeks five sets


Bike: 23 minutes