Eunice, aka Tinker Bell is 4' nothing and weighs 90 nothing.  Her goal was to squat a "big boy plate".

Today after she had finished her Dynamic portion of the session, she got to put a weight on her back and NOT max it.

She was darn comfortable with 165 lbs.

She did the "Tinker Bell" Happy Dance after.


Pull up Hell: 2 x 20 reps in each of the FIVE pull up latter attachment hand holds

C/S Row: 4x8x90

Rear Delt Destroyer with the main move being a scapular retraction:  1x60-40-20x 36-28-18 lb. kettle bell

Snatch Grip Row: 4x6x225

C/S Kettle Bell Tricep Kick Backs:  4x15x18  super setted w/

BB Rev. Curl: 4x8x75


DB Hammer Curl: 4x8x40  super set with

Cable Tricep Extensions (Push Down) 4x15x110


Skull Crusher: 4x15x75 super set with

Barbell Curl: 4x8x95