--I am beyond ecstatic! I can do a dumbbell bench press with good form after all the elbow surgery balls out stretching, I feel a deep fatigue I have not felt since 2008 while typing this.
For Now I will be training 3 days a week for strength--3 days boxing or other conditioning--coach moved so this is sort of unplanned transition but if things feel this good its going to be amazing
Here is today
Superset--Football Bar Seal Rows x 6----Dumbbell Bench Press 5 sec negative paused to emphasize stretch and elbow ROM)x 6 (6 supersets) last set rows drop set (3 drops to failure)
Belt Squats--4 sets of 6
2 Up 1 Down Eccentric Rows Seated (5 sec negative)4,3,2
Seated Cable Fly, 6,6,6, drop sets (4 drops each to failure)
Triceps Time Under Tension Pushdowns (max in 45 seconds x 3)
Hise Shrugs--3 sets max reps 30 seconds on standing calf
The boxing has given me the desire to train hard and my work capacity is through the roof--feeling healthy, strong, aggressive
I am fired the hell up!!!!