Too Bad, Get Over It
The key to risk is how well you manage it and are able to keep it in proper perspective. You have to risk being successful, but this doesn’t mean you have to take stupid risks. You have to know when to risk and not to risk. But when you feel it’s time not to risk, you need to ask yourself why.
If all you ever do is take risks within your comfort zone, then you’ll continue to just continue as you’ve been going. You have to take some big risks to move forward, and you know what? Many of those big risks will not work out for you. As a matter of fact, most of the time they won’t. That’s why they are called RISKS.
For all those who say, “I know what you’re saying, but the last time I put it on the line, I got hurt,” my response is,
“Too bad! Tough shit! Get over it!”
I don’t care about what didn’t work for you or what hurt you or whatever - and neither does anyone else.
All I care about is what can work for you, and not risking will never get you where you want to be. Complaining about what you don’t have, or the strength you wish you did have, is all bullshit and a total waste of your time (as well as the time of anyone else you share it with). Find out what you want and go after it. If you’re faced with a decision that places you out of your comfort zone, then manage the risk and move on.
A pic when I totally lost my identity, dieted hard and had arm days.
#elitefts @elitefts