Over this past weekend, I was thinking about how many of my peers my age have given up on certain physical activities.
The beginning of immobility is when you decide you "didn't want to...or I'll do it later" began. It starts off so innocently and quietly, but the next time you TRY to do something it hurts a little bit more giving you the excuse "not to" the time after that.
The snowball begins to roll gathering more excuses and reasons "not to" giving to more pain and less mobility and so on.
I've run all my life. Daily mileage, sprints, middle distance work, even as a form of commuting.
About a year and a half or so ago, I ran into some overuse issues between a stress fracture and nagging sciatica causing me to "take off" from running and adding more cycling for my conditioning.
I am now ready to put the RUN back into my training, I notice my hips and ankle complex are tighter from the pedal stroke and dread my first distance run coming up on Wed.
I could put it off indefinitely, but RUNNING has always been my easiest form of "FREEDOM" and want to get to it right of way.
Don't put it off. One day I'm sure I won't be ABLE to run, so I run
One day you won't be able to TRAIN (whatever it is you want to do) so TRAIN!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 min
Bike Commute: 30 min
Prowler: 10x120 yds
Deadlift (Dynamic): 20x1
GHR: 4x10
Band Pull Through: 4x15
45 degree Back Ext. : 3x10
Bike Commute: 3x10
Sprints: 10x50 yds.