I have received some crazy feedback border line hate mail haha on the triceps cluster sets--I love cluster sets on accessory movements, I've used since high school on core lifts BUT in the last year I would say my biggest discovery training wise is using them for accessory movements regularly, I Used them a lot with guys like Branch Warren, JJ but have expanded them to strength athletes and the results have been excellent!

Back is a little jacked up--was doing some heavy strongman type of training on Monday--anyways I did hamstring flexibility testing and its bad so I am going to hammer that.

Up until my senior year of high school before did yoga and stretched regularly my football coach told me in 30 years of coaching I was the tightest player he'd ever seen which strange cause I have always been mobile, especially it has picked in last few years. That being said I am going to attack this, my stretching gains from high school and into college have vanished, guess 15 years can do that LOL

I am so thankful I have not gotten really injured

Here are a few client videos from last couple days:

Julius Maddox, 630 x 2 Reps Paused in bench https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4OynjFCZ28

Sumo Deadlifter Matt Mills pulling 725 x 2 Reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho5MkoI3UN8

Shae Jones Totaling 1911 raw no Wraps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGzRK-7uWag

Please subscribe to both of my youtube channels this one bigdan49 is just client videos and huge #'s, the other one Jailhouse Strong is more story lines--both have a great purpose