Sandy Tepper (equipped champion raw off-season) Here is a break down on how I do things, very successful for Sandy
My training is going very well
Here are last two days
GHR. weighted-4 sets of 4
Leg Curls (dorsey flex up plantar flex down eccentric emphasis)
Rope Climbing Intervals
Glute cable kickbacks 3 sets of 15
Bulgarian Split Squats max reps in one minute x 3 sets
Next Day
TRY Flys sets of 6 to failure, fete elevated got to 12 this was very short breaks
lat pulldowns--superset incline bell press (max reps in 1 minute on incline with emphasis on stretch and ROM), lat pulldowns x 12 x 3 sets
Lateral Raise machine--do 12 reps each side back and forth sir minutes
eccentric TRX Triceps Work
Rear Delt bent over fly hold contraction 2 sec with band made these hard x 5 sets
Excellent stuff!