Nothing fitness related today, but perhaps a perceptive on sport.

This morning, my son's Hockey team the Santa Clara Blackhawk played his OLD team from a few years ago, the Tri Valley Blue Devils


This is always an emotional game because, well...Hunter wants to kick their asses, and they want to kick ours.  The 10 year old bravado gets a bit more amped up for this game.


The difficult thing is, we had a hard time departing the old club.  We had developed wonderful friendships and have become "family" of sort with many.  Youth hockey is one that when you join a club, you recognize you are going to be seeing these people multiple times per week.  You get together during the practices and may split a beer or two.

Then there are the tournaments.  We stay at the same hotels, and eat meals together, MOSTLY during a Holiday, HENCE the family spirit.

When one leaves the nest, some feel abandoned.  Some want to know "why".  The best reason I can give, is my son WANTED to.  I don't ask many questions of his motives, but as long as he is developing and having a great time...then so be it.


We have enjoyed the transition a year and a half ago.  This is his new team.  He loves his team mates as of NOW, but ALSO those he played with such a short time ago.

So here we are.  Both teams at the BOTTOM of the record bracket.  But guess what?  THAT doesn't matter today.  Today is like the first game of the Stanley Cup for the Blackhawks, the Blue Devils, The Blue Devil's parents and the Selkow's.

I won't say what team won.  THAT is not the important thing.

But what I witnessed today was something SPECIAL and my hope is that we can do it with every team we play, and with the challenges we receive in life.

Before the game, Hunter and "Michael" skated around each other.  Eyeing one another and I am sure exchanging "pleasantries".  Then the two skated up to each other, and gave one another a smile and a fist bump.

It's game time!!!!


Both teams played to the BEST of their abilities.  Some of the parents from the old team even allowed me to "Chirp" them as if we were real adversaries.  (we probably extended the smack talk a bit too much, but so what?) and I encouraged their banter.

For 45 minutes these kids went at it.

At times it got rough, but NEVER did it get dirty.

A few mistakes are always expected, but all in all, it was a fun time watching what once was a bunch of little boys with cherub faces go toe to toe, or skate to skate in this instance with the intensity of the NHL.

The game ended.  The crowd relaxed and the boys lined up for the TRADITIONAL Hockey handshake.

The Tri Valley Coaches gave my son an extra head hug and heart felt pat on the back, and Coach Chris gave Hunter an extra little ear full of something that is now and forever between THEM.

Then my son did something unexpected and was witnessed by both groups of parents.

Hunter just being Hunter, skated over to his old teams bench, and said a few words that was an experience and a "code" they had from a few years ago.

The Tri Valley boys, BEEMED with smiles.  Hunter was immediately swallowed up in the middle of the opponents huddle to back slaps and neck holds.

Parents of the Blue Devils shot a look at me, with "misty eyes" as if to say..."All is alright!" and it is.

Friends vs. Friends for 45 minutes.  Fellowship for a lifetime.

SPORTS, people.  The way it should be played!!!