We all love “Secret” exercises to build our lifts right? Well, these aren’t secret, they are just wicked hard (Said in the Boston-Wikhed hahd). Today I give not secrets, but Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now. And, they will build your squat and deadlift, most other lifts too.

I didn’t say what kind of exercises they were in the title because I would have had to say “core” and I absolutely hate that term, almost as much as back squat.  I just say torso or abs when referring to core exercises. Core is a misleading term; It implies that you are training deep muscles and sometimes you are but sometimes you are not. Let’s just day that you can call these whatever you want, ok?

Everyone should know that all power is transmitted through the torso, so having an absurdly strong set of muscles in the middle of your body, both deep (core) and superficial is one of the best ways to get stronger overall, right?

Sure, sit ups, leg raises and such are all great but when we move a barbell our body is not performing flexion/extension of the trunk. It is stabilizing. Therefore, we need to do exercises that improve strength in this manner. Planks are excellent for this as are Farmers Walks and all forms of loaded carries.

The problem with Planks is that they just are not that hard so we have to use what I call Active Stabilization exercises to progress beyond them. Active Stabilization exercises are ones where you prevent your body from twisting and moving while exerting force against something, and it does not need to be a large amount of force either.  

Think of things using a TRX like Fat Guy Pullups or Pushups with your feet in.

I’m giving you Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now that require a shitload of Active Stabilization and you can do them anywhere with a cable stack or a band.     

Up first is the Plank Row

Up next is the Side Plank Row

Both of these are fairly advanced and neither is easy.

Do your best to keep your body in a perfectly straight line as you move through the row portion of the movement and do the same number of reps each side as you perform the Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now.

Add these in for a few weeks, one at a time and watch your ability to stabilize weight as you squat and deadlift, or press or clean, or whatever improve.

Did you miss last week’s log?


C.J. Murphy, TPS Method, top 9, coaching logs, 2021;

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Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

January 13, 2022

Total Performance Sports