The two things I like:

  1. Sports
  2. Prep Work for Sports

Today's Training:

Run: 3-mile fartlek

Man o man I am so into these "speed play" runs these days. Instead of a steady monotoned pounding, the sprinting and then slowing when your lungs fall out seem to make the distance go by much faster. PLUS...I enjoy the HIIT benefits of doing them the way I do.

Bike Commute: 28 mins

Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50% The crew was not only strong but REALLY fast today

Single Arm Legs Lifted No extra movement DB Chest press: 3x10

Single Arm/Feet together/no extra movement cable fly: 3x10

DB Row with a 90-degree twist at the top of the movement: 3x10

Curl: 3x10

Tricep Extension: 3x10

Bike Commute: 30 mins