I admire the effort that I see going into "On Line" fame of fitness enthusiasts . Heck, isn't this a form of it? I'm not writing about an actual Strength and Conditioning Web site like EliteFTS that gives immediate credibility to an author or coach, but the one's that post everything on Facebook, Twitter, Instantgram, or any other sites (is there more?) only.
What I have determined is there is a tell tale language that means something entirely different from what is intended.
"I've been getting a lot of questions..." actually means "I have no one asking me jack shit and I am totally making this up to make it seem I have a million followers."
"I've recently noticed", means "I saw one person do...and I don't agree with because I tried it once and it was too hard"
"I'm watching my macros" means..."I love jellyfucking donuts"
"I'm taking a De-load day" means..."I went out last night and got too fucked up to deadlift or do any exercise that my head goes lower than my heart" or..."I'm a lazy piece of shit"
"I don't run" means..."I'm a lazy piece of shit and I'm FAT so I'll compete in the SHW devision"
"All the research shows..." means, "I read this on line from Joe Bagadonuts and it seemed legit to me".
Lastly (for now) "Space is limited! I have room for just a few more people to do..." means "I have no one and I need to pay my mortgage/rent/beer tab."
When I see multiple postings with a long dialog, I understand that the person has a ton of time on their hands and have no idea how to dig their way out of the hole they are in.
Energy can't be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred! BASIC!
Discipline te fac
Today's Training:
Tier I:
Run: 5 K
C/S Row: 1x15x160; 1x15x165...get to go up next time to 170
Important note: Chin must remain in contact with the bench.
Lat Pulldown: Medium Mag Grip- 1x15x160;1x15x170 get to go up to 180 next time
Chin ups: 1x15xBW; 1x15x10 lbs vest.
Dips: 1x15x25; 1x15x30
BB Curl 1x15x65;1x12x75
Tier II (this is NOT a J.V. team. In fact these are more full body and might be harder)
Straight Leg Dead Lift/Chin up super set
10x10x65/ 10x2xBW
45 degree Back Extensions/ Dips:
GHR/Barbell Curl:
Fire Hydrants/DB Supine Tri ext.