“My method is aimed at increasing the two lift total. We have many
outstanding weightlifters in the gyms, but very few at the competitions. Why? Well, because one must know how to 'deliver' one's strength on the competing platform. The object of today's trainers is not to teach an athlete the correct way to lift a barbell. Most important, he must teach him to reason and make important decisions independently. Without thought, there's no creation. And without creation, progress in our difficult work is impossible.
"It seems to me that some of the talented athletes lack one thing: they haven't had an injury. That's right! An injury that will put them out of commission for a year during which time they'll have a chance to weigh everything. I, too, would not be where I am if I had not injured my back. I suffered for a year and a half thinking everything over. After a misfortune, people pull through and become, if possible, great people — and sportsmen, in particular. Those who are stronger find their way out and to the top.
"Do I worry? Well, of course. If you don't worry, you'll never succeed at anything. In sports, without the excitement of daring, you don't win victory or records”
- Vasili Alexeyev
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