Image use for education purposes: Source - FLEX
Note: When I posted this on my IG I had no idea there were so many people doing this on a smith machine. Before I write any more this is dumb AF no matter how you look at it. Gyms and manufacturers have been sued because of this and people seriously hurt, and I was told last night died ( can't validate this and don't have the time to look up). Now I know why elitefts was asked to make one. If the option is the smith machine and a bunch of cheap versions ( I saw listed as "One of the top leg exercises" - don't trust anyone that says this as they don't understand dick about biomechanics and are only posting for the affiliate link kickback). I have seen we are rarely asked about this anymore so hopefully, the "fad" is over. I am sure there is a way to make this safe but it will not be cheap and will not stop idiots from using the smith machine to do it on.
For all those who have been lifting for decades, remember the vertical leg press. Yes, the one that destroyed everyone’s lower back so people started shoving wedges under it thinking it would help. It didn’t. It then became the gym coat rack and was finally removed from every gym. The fad came, wrecked backs, and was gone.
Now just look at this movement from all angles (swipe), and you can clearly see how it’s a train wreck just waiting to happen.
A couple of years ago it started to make a “comeback,” and many asked me about making one. My answer was either “no” or “oh, fuck no”. REALLY, shit that comes and then goes usually goes for a good reason. Rarely is it a “supply chain” reason. It either sucked or wasn’t safe.
Having been through the first round, I knew the answer.
Now, it seems to be dead again. Hum, wonder why?
If for some reason you feel you HAVE to do this... don’t. There are better options. You know, the ones used over the 3-4 decades this thing vanished.
#elitefts #notmakingacomeback #biomechanics #commonsense
PHOTO: for educational purposes - FLEX
I seriously can’t believe the number of videos I’ve gotten of people doing this on a smith machine. I’m going on the record “that it’s stupid as fuck” No AF - clearly stated "as fuck". I will never again say there’s no such thing as a dangerous exercise just poor application.
I'll still take your advice regarding this exercise but it's unusual taking exercise advice from
a FF (fat fuck). You would be more believable writing an article about which are the best donuts to eat.
BTW which ARE the best donuts?