The truth is, while I talk and write about bodybuilding, I’m pretty nervous about the idea of actually competing, for the same reason many other people hesitate to step on stage. The mere act of putting yourself out there is tough, no matter the context — but if you don’t take that step, you will never know whether you could actually be great at whatever it is you want to be great at.
That's why I was really grateful for the opportunity to compete in Nick's Strength and Power Mr. Golden Era competition. It's an online physique contest where viewers vote to determine the winner. Nick explained, “I wanted to make a bodybuilding competition where the fans alone have a voice in who the winner is,” to allow the community to voice their opinions on what does constitute a Golden Era physique, and where bodybuilding as a whole is headed.
I made top 5, and you can view my entry above (I'm competitor C) – PLEASE, PLEASE click through to YouTube for the voting link and submit your vote. I would truly appreciate it.