It was FREEZING this morning in the Bay Area of California. 31 degrees! (yes, I know that's a heat wave for some, and I endured winters in central NY but I've lived here for the past few decades).

Regardless, I do my early mornings with pride and prejudice. I also continue my cold showers outdoors regardless of the weather. Even today, the water felt warmer than the air. haha. As I see it, we have to do something that sucks every day, because we are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft that we will die without ever realizing our true potential.

We need to harden the heck up and realize what we are worth!

Today's Training:

Run: I must have bruised my heel bone. Any weight on it feels like dog poop. Oh well, it's time to row again.

Cycle: Commute

GHR: 5x10

Dynamic Squat: 3 inches BELOW parallel. Spark up those hips boys and girls getting ballistic out of that deep stance will be fun!

Reverse Hyer: 5x10 Slow deceleration or eccentric. Blast it up there with a pause though

TKE: 100 on each leg without stopping

BOSU Sit-ups: 100

Cycle: Commute