Well, the Full fucking moon bit me again last night! Every time, EVERY G.D. time the moon is full, I wind up in the morning, naked in some random garbage dumpster, MILES from my home town, wondering why I have flees.
No excuses for the shit workout I did, because it certainly wasn't training (that's for sure). I left the gym as soon as I saw a break in the action and took a POWER SOLAR Nap.
Yep, outside in the bright sun for 30 minutes. Now, no more napping today, refuel, drink water and NO CAFFEINE for the rest of the day!
Not sure how I feel about the abrupt ending to my son's hockey season.
On one hand, it was getting long and arduous. Driving on our freeway system at night sucks monkey nuts, but watching him and his team mates play or practice is ALWAYS fun.
My issue is that I get up so dang early, anything like eating dinner at 9:00 PM becomes a distraction.
The team turned in a nice season finishing 3rd.
Here's where I don't like it ending this way.
We have "snotted" the team we lost to in the semi's four times this season. They're a #2 team in a system for a reason. They don't skate as well, but they are BIG! Hell, I saw two of the kids parking their cars prior to game time. No, but seriously the kids make our boys look like babies, size wise.
Still...we throw them around because our coaches teach skating skills and they have a KICK ASS Strength and Conditioning Coach that has the kid's combat chassis fully engaged.
We tie the score up in the last 45 seconds by pulling our goalie, and slamming TWO pucks to the back of the net.
OVERTIME! Another motherfucking OVERTIME! We have been here more than once this season, so no surprise, but gut testing none the same.
Then, we leave it up to refs and lack of calls to determine the outcome.
Naaaa....not really! I just said that to justify the fact that we LOST in O.T. to a team that I have no respect for their coaches. Hackers and Thugs who let the kids get chippy. Ahhh such is life. The better team doesn't ALWAYS win!
The kicker to this is that the "Systems" #1 Team is undefeated. They are like the Alabama Crimson Tide of football to this youth program. They have been unstoppable ALL year!
Deep down, I really thought that we were due to be Clemson. I really thought that we had a crack at being a blemish in their season, IF...we made it to the dance!
As a coach, I got to associate with some really good Skill Coaches this year. People that I have no issue influencing my son. It is said that it requires a village to raise a child, and this is one group of men that I feel privileged to call "Amigos"
As a Dad of a player, the Hockey Family that IS Santa Clara Blackhawks was tighter this year than I can ever remember.
The athletes turned from "little boys" into fine YOUNG MEN and that growth is what YOUTH SPORT is suppose to be about.
We have gained multiple friendships that I am sure will last LONG after the boys hang up their skates. People that I appreciate and enjoy being around.
I like the fact that we are still on this adventure for some time to come.
We have a few venues left to explore this year before we call it quits and focus solely on Lacrosse.
Until then....Hockey Up!~