Narrow hand placement push ups: 4 sets of 15
super set with
Some curling or Elbow flexing: 4x10
Do a type of neutral grip elbow flex as in "hammer curl": 4x10
super set with
C/S Tricep Kick Back: 4x15
Finish with
The bottom 1/2 of a standing type elbow flex. Don't go all the way up. Keep tension on the bicep: 4x10 with a LOT of control
Super set w/
A single arm cross body supine tricep extension: Hold onto your bicep and don't let your elbow waiver at all. 4x15
5 side shuffles of 10 yards to each side total of 10. Don't cross the feet
10 x 3 standing broad jumps. Walk back to the start
Sprint @75%