What did you do today to improve upon over what you did yesterday?
For me, when a person say's something like "Oh I hate that bar" I respond with a resounding ..."then use it"
I have found that when a person doesn't like something, they usually suck at doing it. Since they suck at doing it, they probably NEED it more than they think.
I look at it this way...IT will probably make you stronger by simply using it, USE IT!
The big ass Spider Bar is a difficult mother to even move around early in the morning. Sooooooo...We're going to move it and move it with a challenging weight.
I get gassed up on doing things like this!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 21 mins
Box Squat:
Use a different sexy bar (We used the EliteFTS Spider Bar)
6 RM at a PRE=7
Band Squat: 4x25
Chain Lunge:
2 chain x 10
1 chain x 10
0 chain x 10
X 3
RDL: 4x10
Calf Raise: 100
Pre hab/ Re hab