I have the program set that we needed Saturday to train for a few months starting back at the end of December.

When I get asked "what else do you want me to do?"  or "What do you want me do in place of?" (in the event the exercise might be more difficult and the participant is afraid of the failure)  I answer it with the "look".

That look is the one right above you here  ^

Saturday is the extra (for now)

No other exercise is a reasonable substitute for a set of balls!  You can't do the exercise, NOW is a good time to work on it.

No substitution!!!  Do the best you can.  When you simply can't do it anymore...yea, you're done!


Today's Training:

Run: 10K

C/S Row: 4x8

Concept II Rowing: 10 mins hard

Pull Ups: 5x3

AirDyne: 10 mins hard

DB Pullover: 4x12

BB Curl: 4x8 super set w/

Cable Tricep Push down: 4x12


DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x12 super set w/

Alternating DB Curl: 4x8


Preacher Curl: 4x8 super set w/

Dips: 4x12