One of the goals of 2019 is NOT to comment or spend countless, mindless hours on Social Media...Period. Post my daily Coaching Log, View the first 10 or so feeds, but don't respond other than a thumbs up or one of those laughing or wow faces. My input to any remarks or post mean NOTHING so why bother? Direct Message ONLY those that ask or I value their opinions, and OH!!! Muse with Ed Coan and check in with Vincent Dizenzo.
"A sea of people, or a following. There’s a difference, for some.
One can get buried in social media today. The half-ass friend world of Facebook, the nameless, faceless, world of Tumblr, or what have you.
Or, you stick to your guns. Quality over quantity. I ‘know’ many of those I follow. Many times I know who posted something before I see who posted it.
I follow far fewer than 300 people here. I’m barely over the four digit mark on Facebook, only by a few.
Point is, have some integrity. Have purpose. I’m not saying I do, I’m just planting a seed for others. As some have done for myself.
The world is full of people that run away from gunfire, probably smarter for doing so. Just not my way. There are enough half-ass friends out their. Don’t be one. Be true to yourself. True to your friends. Carry your weight.
Leave more than you came with. Be one to remember when you’re gone.
This blog is real, a no bullshit zone.
For what it’s worth."~Tumblr Ramblings
Today's Team Training:
DB Row: 8x13
Barbell Curl: 8x13
Tricep Rope Pushdown: 8x13
All done with the same weight we used on Saturday. Focus is on full range and quality of each rep.
AirDyne OR Concept II Row: 10x12 second all out sprint/ followed by 48 second recovery.
Don't be nice!
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