Got back to the gym today for some end of the year fun by doing Squats AND Dead Lifts as a super set.
15 sets of 2 Dynamic Squat @50% or as we used 250 lbs.
The dead were done at the same weight using only one rep. The glorious thing? It had to be RIPPED up from the ground like I was trying to tear a tree stump out.
Equipment used:
EliteFTS Monolift
Mastodon Bar ACTING like it was only 45 lbs
Low Box w/ Black EliteFTS cover pad
The Dead Lifts were done using the Okie Dead Lift bar
The goal was to move back and forth as fast as possible. The set up could take as long as necessary but both the MOVEMENTS and the time between had to be wind burning fast.
10" Touch and Go Box Squat: 9x9x115
GHR: 5x10