Front Planks: 4x1 minute

Wipers: 3x12

McGill: 3x12

Pull ups 100

Dips: 100

Chin ups: 100

Push ups: 100

BB Curls: 3x +20 go up in weight   -8 go down

Cable Tricep Push down: 3x same

DB Supine Tri Extension: 3x same

Hammer Curl: 3 x same

Reverse Curl: 3x same

Reverse Grip Cable Tricep Push Down: 3x same



"Stop consuming caffeine

Although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don’t. Actually, we’ve become so dependent on caffeine that we use it to simply get back to our status-quo. When we’re off it, we underperform and become incapable.

Isn’t this absurd?

With healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise, your body will naturally produce far more and better energy than caffeine could ever provide. Give it up and see what happens. You will probably get withdrawal headaches. But after a few days, you’ll feel amazing."

~ Benjamin Hardy PhD