Like many, I was glued to the National Championship football game last night.
I was enamored with Zak Brown Band and the back up singers rendition of our National Anthem. Almost immediately the media both news and social wanted to take the focus away from the game and make it political since our President was present.
I have NEVER used EliteFTS as a platform for my stance in politics, religion or social beliefs and I never will. However, what I got from last night other than 'Bama's victory over an extremely worthy opponent was a fine line that I skirt when I took notice of an underlying fact! People are MORE alike than they are different. Everyone of us is simply looking for a way to be happy and feel fulfilled. What is widely different is the manner by which we search out those states of happiness and fulfillment.
Yet, the PRIZES always remain the same!
Roll Tide
Way to Go Dawgs
Geaux Tigers (next year)
Today's Training:
Cat/Camels: 20
Bird Dogs: 20
Abduction Leg Swings: 10 on each x 2 sets
Bench: Work up to a heavy three reps
then cut the weight by 50% and do 4x10
Inverted Suspended Blast Strap Row: 4x10
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x10
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x10
BB Curl: 4x10
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 16 minutes
Run: Easy 3 miles