I love the story of the old Soviet coach that would say..."do mored of'd  dat", while he made a small downward circle of the index finger.

There are times when something is difficult.  There are more times that you fail going after something.  Instead of quitting, "do mored of dat" is something that needs to be applied.

When someone gets stuck or is frustrated with a particular lift in my gym, and ask me how to overcome it,  you will often hear me say (in a non emotional manner) "Try Harder".

So if something is difficult, just do more of it and try harder until you overcome it and achieve the goal or objective


Today's Training:

GHR: 2x12xBW







Box Squat w/ SSB Yoke Bar:

Up to a 8 RM

Drop set for 10 reps

Big Drop set for 20 reps


Leg Press: 3x30


Tier II

Leg Curl: 5x15

#3 hole Pin Pull  or just below the knee

6 RM

then hit 3x10x50%

Reverse Hyper w. hold:


Hip Extension: 4x25

Chain Lunge:

1x12x two chains

1x12x one chain

1x12x0 chains

equals...1 set

Do three sets


Bike commute: 20 minutes
