Most of the time when we bench for strength I cue the team with "pull the bar apart".  Today because I want more of a "bodybuilding" bench we are holding the weight at the top of the movement with a short pause while SQUEEZING inward with horizontal flexion of the pecs.

The goal is a pre-exhausted pec and then fill it with blood!

It is far better to follow the order for today.


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Meridian Stretch

Bike Commute: 24 mins

Concept II Row: 5 mins steady state

12x 15/45


Push-Ups: 5x30

Pin Press:  Work up to a PRE of 6 or 7 doing 5 reps

Once the weight is established do 5x5 at that weight

Supine DB Tricep Ext: 5x10

Dips: 5x20

Bike Commute: 31 mins.