Why Straps Instead Of Pins?

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One major reason to use straps instead of doing this off pins deals with how the weight comes on the body from a dead-stop. JP Carroll is allowing the bar glide back to better allow him to get into his best (and safest) start position. _ Larger and longer torso lifters can usually find a better position this way where the majority would just begin from a dead hang position. This glide could never be accomplished off pins. What normally happens if the lifter gets frustrated and begins from an even more non-optimal position. _ Another HUGE difference with straps vs pins is how the load comes onto the body. When you are lifting out of straps (even with a dead hang) you naturally have to wedge and brace to get the bar into position (there will always be some movement). Even the smallest movement is enough to activate the muscles that support and protect the spine. _ When you do this straight from pins you are essentially going from a 100% unloaded position to a 100% loaded position at the movements biggest biomechanical disadvantage. _ If you have to do these from pins because you can't pick up a set of SUSPENSION STRAPS from @elitefts - PLEASE make sure to take the time and get your body tight, are in an optimal position and do not explode into the weight. - #elitefts #powerlifting #TRAIN #LiveLearnPassOn

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