Just in time for Thanksgiving, right? (Speaking of which — my Black Friday sale is running now. Click through to YouTube to save up to 50% on programs!)

Scenario #1: You want to bulk up, but you struggle to gain weight.

  1. Choose calorically dense foods, like higher-fat cuts of meat and starchy vegetables.
  2. Pay attention to your digestion. Don’t be afraid to use white rice or potatoes if your body responds well to them, and make sure to use a digestive enzyme and/or probiotics.
  3. Consider the use of supplements with regard to appetite. Remember, stimulants like caffeine can make it harder to eat!

Scenario #2: You’ve been dieting all summer, and you’re ready to grow, but you don’t want to get fat.

  1. Monitor your body weight and body fat percentage regularly. This way, when you’re starting to approach a level where you feel uncomfortable, you can back off — rather than feeling surprised when you step on the scale and realize you’re twenty pounds heavier than you expected.
  2. Continue to use cardio, strategically. Fifteen to 20 minutes of low-intensity, steady-state cardio can keep your metabolism chugging along and keep you feeling lean even while you’re eating big.
  3. Don't go overboard with the caloric increase. While adding 50 or 100 calories a day might not be enough, adding 1500 might well be too many. Try to find a middle ground here — I find an increase of about 10% over your current intake is a good place to start.

Scenario #3: You want to bulk up, but you’re already carrying a good amount of fat.

  1. Get lean first!