Seems like once I get into something whether it's the first time or a revisited one AND I don't mind it...I simply can't get enough of it.
Stupid Jokes?
Random stuff that goes on in my head?
Tequila? (Mike Smith?)
Weightlifting? (Everybody that reads my log?)
Conditioning??? (more people gravitating this way???)
After three consecutive days of 5K runs, I went out and for no particular reason, DOUBLED the distance.
Yes! 10K today and I didn't feel awful doing it either.
My big fat ass dog, Cooper prances along side and he is my pace gauge. He's no youngster either, so I don't "push" it with him by my side.
I have no idea what the time was, but that's not important to me at the moment. I did get passed by a fella that looked like a young Jim Ryan, and one zoftig women who kept checking her watch and looking where I was. Other than that it was quite enjoyable.
Early, dark and rather FOGGY with a thick marine layer covering the Tri Valley.
Today's Training:
Run: 10K
AirDyne: 20 minutes