A few weeks ago I asked for topics to write about and many of the replies were about my days at Westside Barbell (1991-2005).

About 6 months ago Matt Smith started training at our gym as he is waiting for a double hip replacement and lives in town. I have known Matt since 2000-2001, he trained at WSBB the entire time I was there and beyond, and used to help me with many of the earlier seminars. Matt was a great lifter and great to have in the gym now as he (like many of the others I trained with those years) is a great coach.

A few weeks ago he reminded me of a story I can tell that maybe funny to read - or it may not - but it was funny as hell at the time.

Louie was asked to speak at the 2001 Arnold Classic. He was asked to speak on the main stage at Vets memorial (where they have the bodybuilding show) the day after the show and right before the winner of the show was required to speak.

Louie asked Matt, John Stafford and Myself to help out. I was already assisting Louie with lectures at the time and figured this would be the same thing. I would be the "demo" guy. He would tell the crowd how to set up on the bench and then I would do it.

While waiting back stage we were all sitting with Ronnie Coleman  and I shit you not he was the biggest dude I've ever seen in my life.  He was a damn freak and his arms were stupid big. He was so big he couldn't even move right. Just watching him walk over and pour a cup of coffee was funny (and kinda awesome) to watch.

Louie starts talking to him (and he was 100% serious) about how he NEEDED to  use bands to train his arms. This is when we just stated using bands and very few really knew what the hell they were so I am sure Ronnie thought Louie was talking about the type of bands I was using with my personal training clients. Louie goes on non-stop about this for 30 minutes. How the bands would blow his triceps up (like they were NOT already blown the hell up!). How to use the bands for close grips, JM Presses, dumbbells, etc.

I am not bashing on Louie he was being 100% serious (and I agree with him) that the bands would make a huge difference with his bodybuilding training. Ronnie was very cool with all this, extremely professional and was pleasant to be around.

Louie was introduced and he asked John, Matt and I to come with him.  I walked on the stage and it was hot as hell. I think all three of us were sweating after 2 minutes. I had on a warm up jacket and was planning on keeping in all the entire time. While Fat and Bloated I always tried to look decent for presentations. Louie then tells us to go over to the bench (there was one on stage) and start warming up. We were going to do our dynamic bench training RIGHT THERE.

We started our sets and I was sweating my ass off so bad holding the bar become a bitch. They did have chalk but that only helped so much. Matt Smith wears tank tops and shorts in sub zero weather and John has on a t-shirt and shorts as well. I was the only moron wearing a entire warm up suit.

Once we get to 185 I take my jacket off and Matt and John start cracking up. I was wearing one of those BIG DOG shirts that were popular back in the day.  Well, popular for fat asses like me. On the back of the shirt in giant letters said.





I was concerned Louie was going to get pissed but nobody said anything so I just went with it. We did all of our speed bench work, Board Presses, JM Presses, Front Barbell Raises. By then Louie was done speaking and we were on our way back home. He did his lecture while we trained. Actually a cool idea when I think back on it.

So, if you were in the crowd that day and saw Louie speak and there was a big bald dude benching with a shirt that said Big Dogs Eat Pussy...

.. that was me.