long after you say you can't.
I'm not fooling. When we tell people that we gave it our ALL...Did you in fact give it your all?
Think back when you were tired. I mean REALLY tired...did you fall down and fall asleep on the spot?
When you had NO REPS left to give, was it really pain and the fact you can't handle anymore, or were you ready to have the motivator pull the trigger on the motivation tool held to your head?
We don't really give it everything we had. None of! Closest I've witnessed are the men and women at LIFE AND DEATH situations. It's THERE you see Super Human effort, fuck that max effort. Try "if I don't get this, I'm going to fucking DIE or Kill others that are counting on me"
Gym PR, Platform PR, Training PR are all pale in comparison, but I digress.
I'm two days into a good flu. I know that I'm not going to die...(I've seen that scene and this ain't it) and there is a bit of DISFUCKINGCOMFORT. It isn't seasonal death. When I was asked why I came into the gym today (and not yesterday) if I'm still sick...my response was, "You folks aren't paying me for my boyish good looks. This is a service industry and I need to supply a service without infecting YOU! Stay over there (a good distance from everyone because I can holler) and listen to what I have to say!
I was bundled up pretty tight. Heat on FULL. Water bottles filled and were being downed and I got everyone AFTER IT!
Logan (He's my intern) did most of the "Hands ON" while I directed. I announced to him that we have THE BEST JOB on planet Earth.
When we are having a great day, the participants benefit and have a great day as well.
If we are miserable??? Heck, they still have a great day because we can take our frustrations out on them and they get their collective asses kicked.
One fella told my wife..."He's so MEAN" She rolled her eyes and told him..."Try living with him." ahahahahahahaha...
So here's what they had to do because Harry still isn't ok, but I'm still GOING!
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 12 minutes
Side Shuffle: 10 x 10 yards each way
AirDyne Bike: 12 minutes
Walking Lunge: 100 on each leg
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 5x12
Single Leg contralateral reach: 5x12 each leg
Calf Raise: 200 reps NO BOUNCE!