You choose how you think.

You choose how you react.

You choose your attitude

Because if you leave it up to someone else they might choose wrong!

“I have noticed,” said Abraham Lincoln, “that a man is usually about as happy as he has made up his mind to be. Is even more important today than when ol' Abe said it the first time.

You've heard it before if you don't make up your mind and make the right choices for you, someone else will, and it ISN'T up to them. Yea?

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins.

Bike Commute: 27 mins

Prowler: 12 x 120 yards

Sprints: 12 x 60 @75%

C/S Y's: 3x15

C/S T's: 3x15

DB Pullover: 3x15

DB Lateral Raise: 3x15

Shrugs: 4x10x Heavy

Bike Commute: 29 mins