I was reading the back of my SFW shirt that Vincent Dizenzo made popular that says, "Mediocre is unacceptable" (By the way, the front of that shirt that says "SFW" doesn't stand for "Selkow For the Win" it stands for "Smash Fucking Weight"!!!) and I thought, how true this is. You didn't wake up today to be average.
Being average is the gray area that folks get lost in. You are either black or white. Choose a side and be relentless with your passion. But for fuck's sake, be exceptional!
God doesn't make junk! By not excelling you are doing a disservice not to only yourself but to those around you that NEED you!
Stop wallowing in the gray area. Get busy! Get to it! Go!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 minutes
Bench: 6x5x 45%
Fat Grip Skull Crusher: 8x8
Shrug: 4x10x405
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 2x50
Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown: 2x50
* The back exercise should be done rhythmically even if you need to do partial reps. Don't rest mid-set.