Prowler: 10 x 40 yards I had one other guy running this with me. I'd go, he'd go...back and forth with the only rest being the interval of time the other guy used.
Seeing I was running the Prowler with Usain Bolt himself...(really Sean O'Keefe) there was NO time to even look up before the sliding triangle came back my way.
I think we BOTH finished the 10 x 40's in about 6 minutes. The pace we kept was INSANE!!!
Suspended Knees to Elbows were no less aggressive. Three sets of as many as you could close down became yet another competition.
SSB Yoke Bar Shrug: 4 sets of 12 reps with 315 on the bar.
I was going to do accessory back but finished with 4 x one minute front planks and side hip ups.
Geesh...that turned out harder than I thought it would be.
FUN as HECK...!!!!