On my bike ride home, something happened that I was going to tell the world about.  You know...the "this will make you feel good about me story" that you've read?   I was going to set up the incident and then tell you how I rode up on my white stallion to save the day for this "weaker" person.

Instead, I learned a valuable lesson that I'd like to share..."You DON'T need a reason to help someone"!    You just DO because you want to DO.  Not for repayment, or the recognition (oh my, that's a big one).  You just DO because you want to do!  For the way it makes you FEEL.  Here's the closer...you can feel good about something, and NOT have to tell everyone.  You can keep that to yourself and your maker (or not if you don't think you have one).

For me, I had no reason, and I am not going to give details.  I just DID!

How about YOU?  For no reason at all...



Pin Press with the pins set so you only are doing the last 4"-6" of the extension.

Work up to a heavy three reps.  Then add TEN more pounds and do 2 sets of 3.


Rollling Tricep Extension:

3 x 8 as a warm up

Then beat last weeks weight for three more sets of eight as a heavy working sets

Duosymetrical/Polycontractile DB Shoulder Press:

2 x 10 w/ light weight as a warm up

3x10 as work sets at a heavier weight

Shrugs: 4x12x455

Pullaparts: 150 reps

Prowler: 8x60 yards

Bike Commute: 20 minutes + 10 minute stop over