The Shapes:
Circle: connection, community, wholeness, endurance, movement, safety, and protection; suggests a deeper focus on what’s inside the frame than what’s outside of it.
Cross: trust, faith, honesty, target.
The Colors:
Black: absorbs all light from the spectrum (we embrace all training ideas), power, rebirth, sophistication.
We also use Red, Gray, Yellow and Orange with our branding:
Red: strong emotion, comfort, excitement, intensity.
Orange: energetic color, excitement, enthusiasm.
Gray: intelligence and seriousness.
Yellow: communication, confidence, and optimism
The Letters:
It’s assumed the letters in the circle stand for EliteFTS, and to some extent, this is true. What these letters signify is the words Focus, Trust and Strength.
The Squatter:
The squatter is a symbol of strength for all sports, and it signifies our style of training. It’s the one movement that nearly everyone uses, and the one that demands – and gets – the highest respect. To stand with the most massive loads on your back and prevail is a real sign of strength in any discipline of life.
It is through our passion that we enhance our own lives and the lives of those around us by living, learning and passing on.