When an old participant from my program comes in for some words of wisdom.
Me: "I know what you got while you have been away for the last five years..."
Him: "what?"
Me: "FAT!"
Him: "yea, my doctor told me I'm pre-diabetic and I have xyz health concerns..."
Me: "Yea, and you are a fat wide body that is also lazy as fuck"
Him: "I eat right! My diet is on point. I have chicken, fish, and meat once a week, nothing else besides some rice and veggies"
Me: " BULLFUCKINGSHIT you do, you fat fuck. I bet you've been a Cheeto eating, doctor pepper drinking, sloth, and your cortisol levels, I bet are through the roof!"
Him: "Well...what do you suggest I do?"
Me: "you could start by coming back here and getting your ass right because it's at the moment stuck up your fat ass."
People with in earshot: "Coach, aren't you being a bit harsh?"
Me: "No!"
Reference point...he didn't show up to begin.
People are where they are because that's exactly where they want to be!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Tricep Rope Pushdown superset with DB Curl: 4x12
DB Hammer Curl superset with 1/2 Dips: 4x12
Tricep Kick Backs with Pronation superset with Steep Bench Incline Curls: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 36 reps
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x18
Decline Sit-ups: 2x18
Bike Commute: 22 mins