You always Complain
A putz loves to complain and make excuses.
Ask any putz you know, and he’ll rattle off a whole list of why he can’t go to the gym, why he can’t get laid, why he can’t travel, why he can’t get his business off the ground, why he can’t learn his favorite foreign language. And It doesn’t add up to dry shit. Because the problem is him: he’s a fucking putz that likes to complain and make excuses instead of progress.
Stop complaining and stop giving excuses.
Today's Training:
Bike: 20 min
Concept II Row: 17 mins
Suspended Knees to Elbow
AirDyne: 17 mins
Reverse Hyper: 50 reps
Ab Wheel: 50 reps
Unilateral Loaded Farmer Walks
Sprint: 10x50 yards
Bike: 20 mins