Conjugate U (eBook)

A proven and practical guide for using the conjugate method with athletes.

Author: Nate Harvey
Length: 190 pages



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Conjugate U: The Proven and Practical Guide for Using the Conjugate Method with Athletes (eBook)

by Nate Harvey

190 pages

This book is a testament to the validity, effectiveness, and success of using the Conjugate Method with athletes of multiple disciplines.  

Nate Harvey, MS, CSCS, and Executive Equipment Specialist for elitefts began his quest for strength in a similar fashion to most of us — training with early weight equipment in the basement in our pre-teen and teenage years. Making his way to playing college football, Nate experimented with almost every program known to man — searching for THE ONE program that took his development to the top.  Becoming obsessed with the great Mike Alstott led him to the discovery of Louie Simmons, our own founder, Dave Tate...and naturally, the Conjugate Method.  

From Nate:

"Over the course of 18 years, I have witnessed the system outperform virtually all types of periodization and schemes. It’s very hard to objectively evaluate a strength and conditioning system, I get that. One of the indicators that spoke very loudly to me was when we started getting athletes achieving things athletically that, by all previous indicators, shouldn’t be doing.

The last school I used this system at was in its infancy of competing at the Division I level, not even 15 years. Subtract the ten years of my time there and you have 5 years as a Division I program when we started to implement the system. When you are as young as we were, you are not getting top tier athletes. After about a year of the system is in place, we were starting to see some surprising performances and some eyebrows were starting to rise, this was another moment of validation and reassurance that we were on to something big. Fast forward 10 years later, and we had the following results from a very young lower level DI school using the Conjugate Method:

  • First and only Football Conference champions 
  • First Division I National Champion (Men’s Shot Put)
  • 3 Basketball Conference Championships in one calendar year (2 for the Men, 1 for the Women). Prior to this time, neither team had won a conference title. Women also had the lowest injury rate in the athletic department the year they won. This was when we were able to run the system in its truest form without outside meddling. 
  • Men’s shot putters have won 7 of the last 8 indoor track and field Conference Titles and 8 of the last 8 outdoor track and field titles
  • Men’s Swimming and Diving won their first ever Conference Title
  • 8 of the schools 12 total All-Americans
  • 18 Olympic Trials Qualifiers (shot put, swimming diving), two of those qualified for the final round in their sport 
  • Over 50 individual Conference Champions (Track and field, swimming, wrestling, and diving)
  • 16 individual National Qualifiers
  • Over 75 Regional Qualifiers 
  • Substantially decreased injury rates

Despite all of these accomplishments we had athletes leave the system either by their own accord or were forced to by their coach, NOT ONE TIME did their performance improve after leaving the system. Injuries typically increased after leaving the system as well. On the flip, side nearly every time an athlete came and trained Conjugate after leaving another training system, their performance improved and their injuries decreased. Sports that trained in the Conjugate system included:

  • Men’s and Women’s Track and Field — Women’s Soccer
  • Men’s and Women’s Basketball — Women’s Crew
  • Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving — Women’s Volleyball
  • Men’s and Women’s Cross Country — Women’s Tennis
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Wrestling

In addition to all these indicators, was the overwhelming feedback from our athletes. The ones who trained with it then had to go put their asses on the line told us, this method was a major factor in their success."

In Conjugate U, you'll learn:

  • What the Conjugate Method is
  • Why and how to use it for athletes
  • Squat, Bench, and Deadlift variations and their application in Conjugate Method and their carryover to the playing field
  • Dynamic and Max Effort templates
  • Jumps, throws, accessory movements, tissue work, mobility, peaking and deloading
You'll also receive:
  • Throwers 3-Week Summer Block
  • Men's Basketball — 6 weeks out from Conference Championships
  • Women's Basketball — 3-weeks Training post season
  • Week training block for fall Baseball — position and pitchers

Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Purpose
  3. About the Author
  4. Conjugate Defined
  5. Why Conjugate for Athletes
  6. The 3 Methods
  7. Dynamic Effort -— Speed Days — Dynamic Lanes
  8. Repeated Effort — Accessory Lanes
  9. Max Effort — Heavy Days — Max Effort Lane
  10. Training Lanes — Setting up Programs
  11. The Big Three
  12. The Box Squat
  13. Bench and its variations
  14. Pulls — Deadlift and Variations
  15. Daily Workouts
  16. Max Effort Upper Day Template
  17. Dynamic Effort Lower Day Template
  18. Dynamic Effort Upper Day Template
  19. Max Effort Lower Day Template
  20. Off-Season Weekly Templates
  21. In-Season Weekly Templates
  22. Tissue Prep Lanes — Upper and Lower Body Options
  23. Warm Up Lanes — Upper and Lower Body Options
  24. Jumps Lane — Explosive Strength Options for Lower Body Days
  25. Jumps Lane — Plyometric Options for Lower Body Days
  26. Throws Lane — Explosive Strength Options for Upper Body Days
  27. Throws Lane — Plyometric Options for Upper Body Days
  28. Dynamic Effort Lane — Options for Lower Body Days
  29. Dynamic Effort Lane — Options for Upper Body Days
  30. Max Effort Lane — Options for Lower Body Days
  31. Max Effort Lane — Options for Upper Body Days
  32. Accessory Lane — Options for Lower Body Days — Second Barbell Movement
  33. Accessory Lane — Options for Lower Body Days — Isolation Movements
  34. Accessory Lane — Options for Upper Body Days — Second Pressing Movements
  35. Accessory Lane — Options for Upper Body Days — Isolation Movements
  36. Ab and Torso Training — Options for Upper and Lower Body Days
  37. Mobility/Reset Lanes — Options for Upper and Lower
  38. Accommodating Resistance — Bands and Chains
  39. Accommodating Resistance — Setting Up Bands
  40. Accommodating Resistance — Implementing and Setting Up Chains
  41. Accommodating Resistance — Use on Accessory Work
  42. The Art of Peaking
  43. Using Bands to Peak for Competition
  44. Deloading
  45. Sport Programming Examples
  46. Throwers 3 Week Summer Block
  47. Men’s Basketball — 6 Weeks Out From Conference Championships
  48. Women’s Basketball — 3-Week Training Post Season
  49. Week Training Block for Fall Baseball — Position and Pitchers
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