Welcome Clint Darden to Dave Tate's Table Talk podcast!
Clint Darden became the first American to earn a Pro Card in Strongman by winning a Platinum Plus Strongman Show in 2003.
He moved to Cyprus in 2004. Over the last two decades, he has competed internationally in the U.S. and throughout Europe, representing both the U.S. and Cyprus.
A full-time dad, he manages to be both a trophy husband and the director of Autism Assessment Support Practice, all while maintaining his famous YouTube channel, The House of Biceps.
Whether he’s being a full-time housewife with a decade working as an online coach, a semi-amateur home gym dancer, a Masters World’s Strongest Man competitor, a world-class Masters weightlifter, a black belt, or a powerlifter in his home gym, one thing will always be certain: He is wearing at least two-ply of support gear at all times!
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In a three-decade Strength & Conditioning career, Dave 'Under The Bar' Tate dedicated 40,000+ hours to training and consulting. Beyond the gym, he's a prolific speaker, authoring 20 books and contributing 2000+ articles to magazines and esteemed websites.
As a powerhouse powerlifter (1983-2004), Dave achieved elite rankings. Beyond professional success, he shares life with Traci Arnold-Tate, elitefts co-founder, in London, Ohio, raising their two sons.
Dave's community commitment shines in his credo: Live, Learn, Pass on™ – a legacy of knowledge and inspiration shared with the strength and conditioning world.
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