The supine rolling extension is a west side barbell classic assistance movement for your bench. Not only does it help your bench but it helps you develop slabs of meat where your triceps used to be. Want a great way to make them better? Brandon Smitely has just the trick.
(Skip to 2:00 to see the rolling extensions)
Instructions and background from Brandon directly:
"I came up with this variation on a whim, but I was looking for a way to maximize time under tension on my triceps and I love rolling tricep extensions. Here's how you can set it up:Use either a micro mini band or mini band and loop it around a solid post (I used by Elitefts E Series Glute Ham Raise) like a power rack, monolift, etc. It will not be choked, just simply looped around the post.Have your DB's in place and lay down by holding both ends of the band (one end in each hand). Then grab the DB's and perform a standard rolling tricep extension.You may need your training partner to hand you the bands if you want a lot of band tension.This works well to accommodate the strength curve as you try to extend the DB away from you, letting you get an incredible tricep contraction while also building starting strength from the floor (which will transfer over great to a paused, competition bench press)."
We see the Micro Mini bands being used, you can purchase them and more in the bands section of the store. Be sure to check out Brandon's training log for more insight!