Elitefts™ Director of Education Mark Watts explains a Trap Circuit for athletes that will benefit athletes and lifters.  Derek Dolgner demonstrates this 4 exercise complex.

This series of exercises will elicit an outstanding pump and help develop hypertrophy in the traps and upper back musculature.  This circuit can be is beneficial for collision/ combat athletes in terms of reducing the chance of concussions and other head and neck trauma as well as improving overall strength and aesthetics.

This complex starts with an explosive movement followed by 3 hypertrophy movements to reduced dependance on grip.

The "Insert witty use of trap, yoke, or shrug pun here" Circuit

  1. Snatch Grip High Pulls from the Hang 3-5 reps
  2. Dumbbell Shrugs to Failure
  3. Band Shrugs to Failure
  4. SS Yoke Bar Hise Shrugs to Failure

This circuit was created back in 2012 but has been reinvented due to the inspiration of Elgintensity.  Preach on, brother.

Elitefts™ Signature Rack

Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar

Elitefts™ Pro Bands