Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Blow up your traps and increase shoulder health
Avoid the Traps
Avoid the Traps
Society has set these standards, and as a result, many people are overworked, underpaid, in debt, divorced, and unhappy. I call them traps.
Building the Yoke
Building the Yoke
A big yoke equals instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke.
Cambered Bar Shrugs For Mountainous Traps
Cambered Bar Shrugs For Mountainous Traps
Traptimus Prime. Trapsquatch. Triceratraps. Trapasaurus Flex. Trap Lord. Trappleberry Finn. Traptain America. Whoever you want to be, this will get those muscle mounds growing like a Chia-pet.
Stanford's Ryan Cidzik Comprises the Ultimate Guide for Neck Testing and Training
Stanford's Ryan Cidzik Comprises the Ultimate Guide for Neck Testin...
There is so much information on how horrible concussions are for you. Now, thanks to Ryan Cidzik, there is information of how to prevent concussions. These training DVD's will assure your athletes that they are much safer to play the game and will have confidence doing so.
Building the Yoke: Utilize the Function of the Upper Traps
Building the Yoke: Utilize the Function of the Upper Traps
Stop thinking of your traps and start thinking of your clavicles.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Shrugs with Banded Kettlebells
Shrugs with Banded Kettlebells
Joey Smith gives the secret to getting “meat hooks” like his.
Prone Rows with Grenades and Chains
Prone Rows with Grenades and Chains
Elitefts™ Founder Dave Tate and Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition John Meadows demonstrate prone rows with grenades and chains at the Elitefts™ S4 Compound.
elitefts™ Chain Dead Shrug
elitefts™ Chain Dead Shrug
John Meadows performs a Chained Deadlift with Shrugs
Elitefts™ Trap Circuit
Elitefts™ Trap Circuit
Livin’ that Shrug Life like Trapzilla
Don't Worry, Be Trappy
Don't Worry, Be Trappy
The beloved symbol of masculine strength and power: the yoke.
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Pro Band Shrugs
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training performs a shrug variation at the S4 Compound using elitefts™ Pro Strong Bands.
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Set of upright rows with rope handle attached to a kettlebell. First half of the set with overhand grip and second with underhand grip
Training Calves and Traps
Training Calves and Traps
Josh McMillan gives the lowdown on his calves and traps work.
Swiss Bar Military Press
Swiss Bar Military Press
The Swiss Bar military press is a great exercise to improve the strength of your shoulders and triceps.
SSB Arched Back Good Mornings
SSB Arched Back Good Mornings
This exercise works your posterior chain like no other.
Hanging Shrugs
Hanging Shrugs
One good tip is to try and keep your chin down. This will keep you from pulling into the start of a chin.
Leverage Snatches
Leverage Snatches
Those who enjoy oly lifts, this is a great way to perform 1 arm snatches.
Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Shrugs
Just don’t do the New Jersey Roll.
One-Arm DB Shrug
One-Arm DB Shrug
Exercise should be done with minimal deviation from neutral.
Towel Fat Man Rows
Towel Fat Man Rows
To start, set the bar in the power rack at approximately waist height.
Waiter's Bow
Waiter's Bow
The lifter will perform a bent over row and hip extension movement with multiple plates.
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Another plus is that there truly is no resisting the bells on the way down.
T-Bar Retractions
T-Bar Retractions
Setup in a T-bar and perform protractions and retractions with head in neutral
Stone Lifting without Stones
Stone Lifting without Stones
In the gym, you know that one bar where the end collar is always loose?
Rickshaw Deadlift
Rickshaw Deadlift
The Rickshaw deadlift is very similar to a rack deadlift in that it is a limited range of motion.
Prowler Rear Raise
Prowler Rear Raise
Who doesn’t want a bigger upper back and traps?
Farmers Walk without Farmers
Farmers Walk without Farmers
Your plan to own your own set of farmers.
Farmers Walk
Farmers Walk
On the pick-up keep your back tight with a good arch.
Plate Shrugs
Plate Shrugs
Yoke development, pinch and support grip strength.
Rotator Bar Pulldowns
Rotator Bar Pulldowns
The rotator bar has a reverse angle to the ends making it an excellent choose for targeting the muscles of the lats and rotator cuff.
Face Pulls - Rope
The face pull is a great movement for bringing up the upper back and traps.
Rear Neck Work w/ Cable
Rear Neck Work w/ Cable
Remember when you found out there was no Santa Claus and how disappointed you were?
Face Pulls
Face Pulls
This is a great exercise to develop your upper back.
Cable Up Row Press Out
Cable Up Row Press Out
When you train in a gym with very limited equipment you come up with interesting ways to train different muscles.
Cable Snatch
Cable Snatch
This exercise is designed to work your upper back and traps.
WTHIT Squats with Yoke Bar
First off we need to see what this really is and then break it down.
Chain Upright Row
Chain Upright Row
This exercise is certainly different; no barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell.
Upright Row w/ Chains
This is another Yoke variation on the standard upright row.
Upright Row
Upright Row
I was first introduced to the upright row when I was in high school.
Upper Back Good Mornings
Get under the bar, unrack the weight, and take a moderate to wide stance.
Rickshaw Shrugs
Rickshaw Shrugs
Pick it up and shrug it, there you go.
Barbell Leverage Shrugs
Pretty simple. Stand between the two bars.
Drag Rows with Trap Bar
Drag Rows with Trap Bar
This is a great exercise to build up your traps.
Conventional Dead Lifts
This max effort exercise is designed to test overall body strength.
Barbell Shrugs
Barbell Shrugs
I have talked extensively about building a big yoke.
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Using Bands with Pin Pulls is a great way to get extra work out of the glutes.
Band Deadlifts
Band Deadlifts
This movement is unreal for bringing up your deadlift.
Band Pull Aparts
Band Pull Aparts
This is an excellent exercise that can be done at home for extra upper back work.

50 Item(s)