As your go through your daily life—work, gym, home, work, gym, home, work, gym, home—it’s easy to forget the freedom that we’re afforded in America. It’s easy to forget that we wake up every day with the ability to go where we choose to go, speak how we choose to speak, and live how we choose to live. This freedom was no accident. Many men and women have fought for the freedom we often take for granted.
This year for Memorial Day, we want to do our part to honor those who have fallen or been severely wounded while serving our country. Because of their sacrifice, we’re able to worry about trivial things like squat depth and whether or not that bench press was actually locked out. Our lives are directly impacted by the sacrifices these men and women have made.
For every limited edition SS Yoke Bar we sell, $100.00 will be given to Impact A Hero, an organization committed to helping severely wounded heroes who have fought and sacrificed for our country. We have chosen Impact A Hero because of their transparency and their commitment to ensuring that the money you donate is directly used to help our veterans and their families. Your donation dollars don’t go to funding a multi-million dollar salary or more marketing efforts for the organization — these donations are used exclusively for helping those who have sacrificed for our country.
From Impact A Hero:
To inspire the nation by positively impacting severely wounded combat veterans and their families in such a way that they are able to live exceptional and purposeful lives.Mission
Impact A Hero provides immediate and ongoing support, in the form of opportunities and resources, for our severely wounded, post 9/11 combat veterans, their families and caregivers.Bridging the Gap.
We aim to highlight the exceptionalism of their service and sacrifice by impacting their lives in the following manner;Immediate Support
- Bridging the financial gap for veterans and families – We bridge the gap for veterans and families with immediate financial support when the need is identified and vetted by a Distribution Committee consisting of combat veterans. Hand up and not a hand out designed to build lasting, trust-based relationships between IAH and our Heroes.
Ongoing Support
- Bridging the resource gap by collaborating with other non-profits – We work closely with other non-profits that can provide resources in a specific area of need or geographical location sponsoring “scholarships” that allow our veterans to attend free of charge and get the help they need at that point in their life. Allows sharing valuable resources with other organizations that impact our Heroes where and how they need the help most now.
- Bridging the gap between Heroes – We provide ongoing emotional support and help build lasting relationships by connecting injured veterans, families and caregivers to one another through events and mentorship. The “Hero Weekend” each May in Houston is the biggest example. Our Director of Veteran Relations is key internal resource helping make that connections on daily basis.
- Bridging the gap between a supportive community and Heroes – We provide the channel for the community to show their respect, appreciation and support for wounded veterans and their families through volunteering, donations and corporate sponsorship.
- Bridging the gap between injuries in combat and life with a purpose after combat – As we continue to develop relationships with severely combat wounded veterans, we point them in the direction of those that have overcome as great or greater adversity and help them see that there is a bright and purposeful life after their injuries. As the core group of Heroes that are living a full life grows, America is inspired by their stories.
$100.00 from the sale of each bar goes to Impact A Hero to help support its mission of providing immediate and ongoing support, in the form of opportunities and resources, for severely wounded, post 9/11 combat veterans, their families and caregivers.